Best cafe in Lancelin, prime tourism hot spot. This business is showing excellent returns to owner/operators.
The current owners have genuine reasons for price reduction, at the new reduced price this business shows even more exceptional ROI.
This business is located in the thriving coastal town of Lancelin, a short distance north of Perth. Lancelin is a beautiful town and is extremely popular with tourists. The current owners have added a sandboard hire section to their store and this has created even more income. Tourists flock to this area for day trips from the city or long vacation stays.
Serving delicious fish & chips and pizzas using locally sourced ingredients, this cafe/takeaway is thriving and is extremely popular with locals and tourists alike.
Open 6 days a week for lunch and dinner, with room for growth.
Excellent town centre location, with a huge kitchen.
Cheap rent and long lease.
Excellent returns. This business has it all!!
$139,000 PSAV
Contact Martin Dabb: 0458 290 100 or Damien Pike: 0429 000 131